The study by the University of South Australia took 75 overweight and obese people (with other cardiovascular disease risk factors such as hypertension and high cholesterol levels) and split them into four groups. At the first split, half were given doses of tuna fish oil while the others were given the same amount of sunflower oil which contains no omega 3. Both these groups were then split. Half taking no extra exercise
while the others completed three 45-minute runs, at 75% of their maximum heart rate, each week. The participants were encouraged not to otherwise change their diet.

Omega 3 and Weight Loss Benefits:

  • Omega 3 fatty acids EPA (eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid) lower your insulin levels, so the extra calories you eat are burned off for energy, instead of being stored as body fat
  • Omega 3 oils are anti-lipogenic (block fat storage in your body) and increase your metabolic rate, so you burn body fat faster
  • Omega three fatty acids suppress the production of cortisol, a stress-related hormone that also causes you to store vs. burn off extra calories
  • Omega 3 fatty acids were proven to improve the blood flow to muscles during exercising, thus increasing your body’s ability to burn more fat
  • A diet rich in omega 3 oils improves the blood sugar levels (hypoglycemia) so you have more energy (and drive) to workout
  • Omega three fatty acids increase your body’s production of energy and the liver function - your fat-management organ

Summertime is a great time to shed excess weight. Unfortunately, as we age, it becomes harder to shed the pounds. It is easy to be envious of the beautiful 40+ stars like Sheryl Crow, Halle Berry, Demi Moore, Sharon Stone, Michelle Pfeiffer, Iman, Christie Brinkley and many more who are as slim and trim as their 20-something counterparts. My patients wonder how do they do it! Well, we know it is not because of a diet full of chilidogs and nachos. You have to work at it, exercise and make the right food choices.

A little help from our friends
But sometimes we need a little extra help, and here is where the right nutrients can make a difference. A young cell is characterized by its energy production, just like a young body. As we age, our physical output decreases. To this end, I have looked for methods to increase energy, naturally and safely, at the cellular level. This has led me to a number of nutrients that work in a special way to enhance the loss of body fat, preserve muscle mass and regulate levels of blood sugar and insulin -- key attributes of a healthy, young body, regardless of chronological age. They will also promote beautiful, healthy, youthful-looking skin. Here are ten of my favorites:

1. Alpha Lipoic Acid (ALA)Alpha lipoic acid, often referred to as 'the universal antioxidant," is a potent antioxidant and anti-inflammatory found naturally inside of the energy producing portion of the cell known as the mitochondria. Alpha lipoic acid enhances our ability to metabolize food into energy. ALA is a unique antioxidant because it is both fat and water soluble. This means it can go to all parts of the cell, including the lipid (fat) portions such as the cell plasma membrane, as well as the interior of the cell (known as the cytoplasm) where water soluble chemicals reside.

2. DMAE (dimethylaminoethanol)DMAE is a naturally occurring nutritional substance with powerful anti-inflammatory properties; it is found in fish including wild Alaskan salmon, anchovies and sardines. DMAE is important in the production of neurotransmitters, which are essential in the communication from one nerve to another and between nerves and muscles. Taking DMAE as a supplement will not only improve your cognitive function by improving memory and problem-solving ability, it will help increase skin firmness and muscle tone -- important for anyone on a weight loss or anti-aging program.

3. GlutamineGlutamine is the body's most abundant amino acid. It plays an important role in keeping the muscles functioning properly and helps reduce muscle deterioration. Glutamine literally drives muscle-building nitrogen into the muscle cell where it is synthesized for growth. It is also converted into glucose when the body needs more energy. When the body is in a highly inflammatory state, it breaks down our muscle tissue to get the extra glutamine needed, resulting in muscle mass loss.

4. CarnitineCarnitine and its derivative, acetyl L-carnitine, are two of the most important nutrients for weight loss. Carnitine is critical for energy formation and an active metabolism. Carnitine transports the fatty acids from our blood into the cell for this energy production. Thus, for carnitine to have optimum effect, we must have adequate essential fatty acids, such as omega 3's, present in the diet.

5. Acetyl L-carnitineAcetyl L-carnitine acts as an antioxidant, a natural anti-inflammatory that enhances the affects of the other antioxidant systems within the body. These anti-inflammatory properties protect the cell plasma membrane (the cell's first line of defense) and prevent the conversion of arachidonic acid into pro-inflammatory chemicals. Although exercise will naturally increase our levels of acetyl L-carnitine, if we are obese, over thirty or have other health problems, it will not raise them to therapeutic levels, therefore supplementation is necessary.

6. Coenzyme Q - 10Coenzyme Q-10, also called ubiquinone, is a powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory with many benefits for treating and preventing obesity. It acts similarly to acetyl L-carnitine in that it assists in energy production within the mitochondria. CoQ10 enhances the metabolism, giving us greater energy and endurance, a greater ability to lose body fat, preventing the energy decline seen in aging cells. CoQ10 also maximizes the burning of foods for fuel, helping to normalize fats in our blood.

7. Conjugated Linoleic Acid (CLA)Conjugated linoleic acid is a fatty acid found in many of the foods we eat. At one time, beef and lamb were exceptional sources; however when their diet was changed from grass to grain, levels of CLA dramatically decreased in the meat and dairy products. CLA has powerful antioxidant/anti-inflammatory activity. It decreases body fat, especially in the area of the abdomen and helps block the absorption of fat and sugar into fat cells (adipocytes). It also helps the insulin receptors remain intact, thus increasing insulin sensitivity.

8. ChromiumBecause Chromium is an essential nutrient for normal sugar and fat metabolism, it is critical in our effort to control and reduce excess body fat. Chromium supplementation effectively lowers blood sugar and insulin levels and can also increase levels of the 'good' HDL cholesterol. This lowers total cholesterol and triglycerides, thus playing a key role in regulating appetite, reducing sugar cravings, and lowering body fat.

9. Gamma Linolenic Acid (GLA)Gamma linolenic acid is an important omega-6 essential fatty acid. The average American diet causes a deficiency of GLA because of the large amounts of trans fatty acids, sugar, red meats and dairy products. The body rapidly converts GLA into dihomo-gamma-linoleic acid, the precursor of prostaglandin E1, a powerful anti-inflammatory hormone-like compound that helps to regulate inflammation, blood pressure, and many other bodily processes.

10. Maitake Mushroom ExtractStudies show that maitake mushroom extract enhances insulin sensitivity for controlling blood sugar levels and may serve as a safe and reliable weight loss supplement -- even without additional behavior modifications, such as decreased caloric intake and increased exercise. It is established as a powerful tool in preventing a dangerous quartet of metabolic imbalances that increase our risk of cardiovascular disease and diabetes called Metabolic Syndrome. Metabolic Syndrome consists of high blood pressure, elevated levels of insulin, excess weight (especially around the abdomen), and dyslipidemialow, or low levels of HDL (good) cholesterol, high levels of LDL (bad) cholesterol, and high levels of triglycerides.

  1. More protein. Why does it work? Increased protein intake increases levels of peptide YY, a hormone produced by the gut cells that tells the brain to decrease hunger and increase satiety.
  2. Don’t fear carbs. Carbohydrates aren’t the reason why you have a gut. You have a gut because you consumed way too many calories for way too long. You can lose weight with carbohydrates, you just need to choose the right one.
  3. Choose slower digesting carbohydrates. Whole wheat breads and pasta, oatmeal, rice. These carbohydrates should be the staple of a "Strip That Fat Program". They’ll stabilize blood sugar while providing sufficient energy for you train hard enough. 
  4. Load up on almonds. Loma Linda University found that subjects that consumed the majority of their fat from almonds lost more fat around their stomach then did subjects who did consume almonds.
  5. Choose grass fed. Grass fed meat contains higher levels of CLA and omega-3′s, fats that help our body to burn stomach fat and increase lean muscle.
  6. Avocados rock. Filled with monounsaturated fats, avocados contain mannoheptulose, a sugar that actually reduces insulin.
  7. Green tea is still a bad ass. Containing high amounts of EGCG keeps the hormone Norepinephrine elevated as well as helping your body waste excessive calories. A recent Journal of Nutrition study showed that subjects who drank green tea lost more stomach fat than those who did not.
  8. Don’t sleep on black tea. Black tea is actually less processed than green tea so it has all the benefits of green tea and more. The University of London released a research study showing that those of consumed black tea had lower cortisol levels than those who did not drink black tea. That’s good news since cortisol brings nasty lower stomach fat.
  9. Walk this why: Whey protein  has the exclusive ability (over casein and soy sources) to blunt various hunger hormones. When you’re dieting, you want to blunt hunger, so drink your whey.
  10. Drink soy? Sadly yes. The University of Alabama at Birmingham showed that subjects who consumed 20 grams of soy protein per day lost significantly more stomach fat over three months. Now don’t worry, those of us who consume whey protein shakes do get a small amount of soy, as it is a caking agent. That’s enough for us.
  11. Use less water in your protein shakes. A Purdue University study showed that subjects who used less water in their shakes had decreased hunger and increased satisfaction feelings from their meals.
  12. Back off the artificial sweeteners. Artificial sweeteners may have a way of messing with your head and they may actually increase your desire for calories.
  13. Use a fat burner. While I’m not the biggest fan of them, a fat burner containing caffeine and other stimulants can raise  your caloric burn by 30%.
  14. Push more fat out. L-carnitine is critical for helping the body carry fat from where it’s stored to where it can be burned. Aim for 1-2 grams per day.
  15. Lift heavy. Research has shown that lifting heavier weight and lower reps can significantly increase your post exercise oxygen consumption and increase your caloric burn when at rest.
  16. Rest for 30 seconds between sets. The College of New Jersey  discovered that subjects who rested 30 seconds between sets of the bench press burned 50% more calories.
  17. Lift faster. Research from Ball State University shows that lifting faster burns more calories. This is due to fast twitch muscle fibers being activated to a greater extent with fast reps.
  18. Pump it up. Listening to music can help you get more reps every workout. Research presented at the National Strength and Conditioning annual meeting showed that subjects who listened to their preferred music were able to lift more weight for more reps.
  19. Take a picture. Taking a before picture can help to motivate you. It’s even better when you share it with friends and family. This puts you on the line to get it done.
  20. Go to sleep. Trying to get to sleep earlier then normal is a great way to normalize your hormone levels and encourage your body to recover from the days stress.

Are you ready to lose some weight? Perhaps you’re surfing for the fast solution that will vanish your weight away. Maybe you’re simply searching for the right information to help you lose and the weight off. Whatever the case, here’s some surefire tips to help you with your weight loss.
1. Research your options. As you start your weight loss plan, go ahead and take time to carefully evaluate your circumstances. What caused the weight gain? Pregnancy? Inactivity? Overeating and binging? Emotions? There are many triggers in our lives that will cause us to achieve weight. Some can be prevented or eliminated, some can’t. It is important as you begin your weight loss to understand and come to grips with the cause of your weight. Be truthful with yourself. Don’t cheat about this one. Obviously, you need to have your weight loss become permanent.
To keep off the weight later on, you might have to make some lifestyle changes to remain slim. Don’t give up before you begin. There’s usually several means to fix any weight gain reason. Just remain open-minded, and be willing to switch to get the results you desire. Don’t hesitate to read and learn as much as you can about weight gain. It is easy to understand, and you’ll be surprised at that which you learn.
2. Avoid Hidden Calories. Here’s an over simplified version of weight loss and weight maintenance… by eating a lot more than your body needs, you gain weight. If you eat less (reduce calories) than your body needs, you lose weight! While it sounds not so difficult, just eat less ….Right? Basically that’s true. Yet,there are other stuff that come into play as one is trying to lose weight. One common mistake many people make as they diet is the realization they don’t really know how much is supplied by the food they are eating. This is especially true with eating out and eating snacks and beverages.
A serving as defined by the scientific communities on weight loss along with a serving that the local restaurant provides is most often very different. For example, one serving of bread is typically one slice. Yet, the typical bun in a fast food restaurant is actually almost three servings. Just one serving of French Fries is 15 fries. Simply take a guess at how many servings are in a “Biggie” French fry container.
Also, don’t be fooled into thinking just because a bag of popcorn is small, that it is a cup. The same thing goes for beverages. The bottle may contain16 oz. Yet, the serving size might be 4 ounces. Pay attention to actually the number of servings of food and beverages you are actually consuming. The amount may surprise you.
I’ll give you an example, my son-in-law who’s 28 was had placed on several pounds. His favorite cola is Mountain Dew. Mountain Dew has higher sugar content than other cola’s. He didn’t have a clue regarding how may calories he was consuming by drinking Three or four 24 oz bottles a day. When my daughter told him, he was amazed. He replaced the cola with water and went from the 38″ waist to some 34″ waist within two months. Be cautious, you may be consuming a lot more than you think.
3. Consider Diet Pills Carefully. Maybe your diet buddies has decided to buy weight loss supplements, or possibly you’ve seen or heard an industrial for supplements promising easy fast weight loss. If so, please evaluate CAREFULLY! Even the most natural-sounding diet pills or weight loss supplements could be useless for weight loss, or dangerous, or both. Weight loss supplements are very tempting things if you wish to lose weight, especially if you have tried several conventional weight loss plans without success. Along side it effects and dangers of some diet and weight loss pills can vary enormously because a number of these pills contain a cocktail of ingredients and because dosage instructions might be inadequate. Possible side effects include: nervousness, tremor, diarrhea, bulging eyes, racing heartbeat, elevated blood pressure even heart failure.
There are some occasions when weight loss supplements is a good idea. Usually these are indicated in the truly obese person. For the person wanting to lose Five or ten pounds, they usually aren’t necessary. So you may ask, so how exactly does this diet pills try to cause weight loss, as i still eat the same amount? In recent years, it appears everyone has the perfect response to help with your weight loss. There are almost as many weight loss methods and weight loss supplements available because there are people who wish to lose weight.
You will find diet pills that stop your hunger so you eat less and burn more fat. You will find diet pills that cause the body to not metabolize all the food you eat, so it’s passed out of your system and not stored as fat. There’s mixture of these two. As you begin your search for the perfect diet pill, be cautious as some can have harmful effects on your body.
Weight loss supplements work by shifting levels of brain chemicals (neurotransmitters) that control satiety (fullness) and desire for foods. Some also slightly increase your metabolism – the speed at which your body burns calories.
Examples of weight loss diet pills include:
Diethylpropion hydrochloride (eg. Tenuate)
Mazindol (eg. Mazanor, Sanorex)
Phendimetrazine tartrate (eg. Bontril)
Phentermine hydrochloride (eg. Adipex-P, Ionamin)
4. Monitor/Increase Your Activity – Regardless whether you’re taking weight loss supplements or not to assist with your weight loss, it’s still important to maintain a regular workout program. This really is beneficial not just for the weight loss, but also for your overall health. In lots of ways we in the developed country have a a lot more sedentary lifestyle than our bodies need. Obviously it’s easier for all of us than in the era when people needed to be very active only to survive, however it’s not necessarily healthy for us to not be active. Start and keep some sort of fitness program no matter what your age. Especially for the middle-aged and seniors exercise play a very, very important role within the quality of health insurance and staying within normal weight ranges.
5. Create a Arrange for Maintenance. Even if you’re taking diet pills to help with your weight loss you need to keep in mind, that once you stop the pills, if you don’t keep things in balance involving the activity level and the food you consume the weight will come back. Although it might take some time to become accustomed to a change in diet and activity, the rewards are very well worth the time and effort spent to achieve and maintain a healthy weight.

Losing weight through banana diet has been around the diet world for years now. This method which originated from japan was proven over and over again to be effective and easy. Although this method is said to be the basic strategies on how to lose, still we must know it and master it's techniques.

   Bananas are full of good carbohydrates, which are the body's energy source. Good carbs have low glycemic indexes, so they release into the body slowly. A slow release means the carbohydrates will not turn to glucose too quickly. This prevents a rapid change in the body's blood sugar level. When the insulin level in your body fluctuates, it can leave you feeling tired, weak and hungry. Bananas can keep your blood sugar level consistent.

   The morning banana diet is actually good as being suggested by medical sciences. Thediet plan includes eating two to three pieces of banana for breakfast. After that, instead of old drink, you may want to have a warm drink. When you go for lunch, you can eat anything. You can eat dinner before 8pm. It is a big no-no when you eat banana from breakfast to dinner. Too much intake of banana can be dangerous to your body.

   We go now with the dangers of losing weight with this diet.

Below are the five things to avoid in this diet:
   1. Breakfast skipping.
   2. Forgetfulness to drink water at room temperature only.
   3. Not eating or avoidance of lunch and dinner meals.
   4. Eating bananas only, it is not only bananas which are effective.
   5. Weighing oneself daily

   If you want to lose weight fast and achieve better health, try to take in a combination of fresh fruits rather than emphasizing on bananas alone. Different color fruits offer different health benefits, while all of them are effective ingredients of a weight loss diet.

he secret to weight loss may be much simpler than anyone ever imagined – so simple, in fact, you may wonder why it hasn’t been thought of before? A study completed by Mayo Clinic researchers has discovered that money is the most effective motivator when it comes to weight loss. When conducting a comparison between study groups, one group was incentivized, the other was not. The results were overwhelming, with 62 percent of study participants from the incentivized group completing the study, compared to only 26 of the non-incentivized group. And, the incentivized group lost an average of 9.08 pounds versus 2.34 pounds in the other group. Financial incentives for weight loss began to gain popularity in January, as New Year’s resolutions to finally drop excess pounds began to dominate water cooler chatter in offices across the nation. A number of websites and wellness firms now offer individuals, as well as teams, the ability to place bets on their weight loss efforts, and some even offer additional tools to help you succeed.

DENVER, May 17, 2013 /PRNewswire/ –One of the most enjoyable aspects of breast augmentation is shopping for new clothes after the procedure. However, Dr. Gregory Buford says that while women may finally have the silhouette they have long wanted, the styles they wore in the past may not be the most flattering to their new body type. By following a few tried-and-true fashion rules, a woman shopping for a new wardrobe after breast enhancement can identify the best garments to complement her silhouette.
“For many women, a new bustline is the realization of a long-time dream,” says Dr. Buford. “But having a curvier, more feminine body also means that the patient has to adopt a new body image and shop accordingly.”
Shopping cannot be done immediately after the surgery, as patients typically experience post-operative swelling for four to six weeks, and the breasts must “drop” into their final position during the first few months after augmentation. During this time, it is recommended that patients not purchase many new clothes, but rather have a few “transitional” bras and garments on hand. Once the swelling is gone, a woman can start the process of updating her wardrobe to match her new figure. Here are some tips to help with the process:
If an overly supportive bra is worn too soon after surgery, it can interfere with the proper settling of the implants. Shopping for new supportive bras should begin only after receiving approval from the patient’s plastic surgeon, and it is best to have a professional fitting to determine the proper size. Some doctors recommend buying only a few bras at a time during the first several months after breast augmentation, as swelling may still be present and the final size has not yet been realized. There are several lines of brassieres that are designed specifically for women with augmented breasts.
Bathing Suits
Shopping for a new bathing suit may be more challenging than expected, because women with larger breasts must consider both coverage and support. In general, a halter-top style can be very flattering, as it provides both support and coverage while flattering the cleavage. Manufacturers that provide separate sizes for tops and bottoms are a good source of bathing suits for women with augmented breasts.
Tops and Dresses
Styles without a defined waist tend to make the augmented woman’s figure look larger as they hang straight from the bust, so tops and dresses that are more fitted are often a more flattering choice. A jacket with a single button below the chest also looks professional and flattering, and cardigans with a low front closure are equally appealing.
The neckline is also a major consideration when buying new clothes after breast augmentation. While a V-neck is slimming and can highlight the new decolletage, it can be too revealing for some workplaces. As an alternative, a cowl neck is flattering and can be an attractive choice for the professional wardrobe.
For casual or evening wear, most full-chested women find that a strapless top makes the breasts appear constricted and should be avoided. On the other hand, a square neckline can create a pleasing silhouette; flattering styles for augmented breasts generally include some waist shaping to accentuate the figure. To draw tasteful attention to a full bustline, a dress or top that bares one shoulder is often an excellent choice.
A woman who has undergone a breast augmentation should enjoy the process of rebuilding her wardrobe to match her new silhouette, taking these style tips under consideration.
About BEAUTY by BUFORD: One of Denver’s top plastic surgeons, Gregory Buford, MD, FACS, is the founder and medical director of BEAUTY by BUFORD. The Official Plastic Surgeon to the Miss Colorado Pageant, he was named one of “America’s Top Surgeons” and is a nationally recognized trainer and consultant for many non-surgical products and techniques. He can be reached at  303-747-6719 or on his website.
Media Contact: Dr. Gregory Buford, BEAUTY by BUFORD,  303-747-6719,
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